It's time to make a commitment to yourself, for yourself. When you make that decision to start electrolysis and invest in yourself, make the most of it.
Many women remove unwanted hair by pulling them with waxing, tweezing, threading or other clever plucking devices. After the hair has been removed, it takes few weeks to show up again. What one must realize is that these repeated epilations cause most hairs to regrow more quickly and become darker, coarser and more firmly rooted. Each time hair is tweezed out of its follicle, bottom half of the follicle is torn out. Follicle reconstructs itself a little sturdier with a better developed capillary system each time. It distorts the follicle and makes the hair grow more coarse the next time.
In addition to damaging the follicle, the ripping action causes damage to the skin, which can result in discoloration of the skin (hyperpigmentation).